Channel: Boost.Spirit » C++Now 2013
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Spirit X3 on Github


Oh, in case anyone wants to follow the development of X3, here are the Github links:


The full attribute mechanism works + basic C++lambda support. I’ve ported one example (calc4.cpp) which parses to an AST. The AST remains the same. Only the way the grammars are written had to change.

For a teaser: here’s GCC times:

SpiritX3: TOTAL :   4.27 secs
Spirit2:  TOTAL :  10.00 secs

Even faster at CT than the first Spirit3 attempt. Runtime speed? I expect it to be faster than Spirit-2. The rules have changed (pun intentional). Now, there’s no longer the need for virtual functions and auto is used extensively. I expect code size to be smaller too because the compiler can generate more efficient code.

Here’s the calculator grammar (based on calc3.cpp):

//  The calculator grammar
namespace calculator_grammar
    using x3::uint_;
    using x3::char_;

    x3::rule<class expression, ast::program> const expression;
    x3::rule<class term, ast::program> const term;
    x3::rule<class factor, ast::operand> const factor;

    auto const expression_def =
        >> *(   (char_('+') >> term)
            |   (char_('-') >> term)

    auto const term_def =
        >> *(   (char_('*') >> factor)
            |   (char_('/') >> factor)

    auto const factor_def =
        |   '(' >> expression >> ')'
        |   (char_('-') >> factor)
        |   (char_('+') >> factor)

    auto const calculator = x3::grammar(
            expression = expression_def,
            term = term_def,
            factor = factor_def

using calculator_grammar::calculator;

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